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What is Zabiha Halal?

Halal is an Arabic word meaning "allowed" or" lawful". The Qur'anic term Halal is that which is permitted and allowed by Allah. Zabiha is an Arabic word, which means the animal is slaughtered according to the teachings of Islam. According to the Zabiha principles, animals are not captive bold stunned but instead are hand slaughtered by slitting the throat. The blood of the animals is thoroughly removed from the bodies. This assures the consumer of getting completely healthy meat processed in accordance with highest standards of cleanliness, purity, and healthiness. In addition to those of the Muslim faith, people from all ethnic and religious backgrounds look for the Halal label on food to be assured of healthy, high quality foods.

Who Certifies you as Zabiha Halal?

We are ceritifed through the Halal Monitoring Services (HMS), a branch of Shariah Board of America (Rahmat-e-Alam Foundation). HMS is a non-profit independent Halal monitoring organization which:

  • Certifies and monitors only hand-slaughtered Halal meat according to the principles of Zabiha Halal.

  • Monitors the whole chain, from the slaughterhouse, to the distributor, to the retail store or restaurant.

  • Makes sure there is no mixing with non-certified meat at any level of the supply.

  • Has an independent team of experienced Ulama running the service.

  • Generates a network of certified slaughterhouses, grocery stores and restaurants, currently spanning over several cities across 22 states in the US and Canada

  • Makes proper monitored hand-slaughtered Halal easily accessible throughout America.

  • Provides all of services free of cost.

  • Has provided services since 2005

Do you deliver?

We offer free delivery within 5 miles for any order over $150! Please call ahead to arrange delivery.

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